Threat and Vulnerability Management

At Cyprotect, we recognize that threats to your organization's cybersecurity are constantly evolving, which is why we have developed a comprehensive threat and vulnerability management program.

Our program begins with a Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing (VAPT) program that covers all our organization's systems and infrastructures. The findings of this program are used as additional inputs to our risk management program, ensuring that every risk, vulnerability, or PT finding is prioritized, managed, mitigated, and tracked in the same way.

We understand that cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities can change rapidly, which is why we regularly evaluate and update our threat and vulnerability management processes. We do this at least once a year, and whenever there is a change in our cybersecurity strategy, goals, compliance requirements, or industry standards.

To further enhance our threat and vulnerability management capabilities, we have developed a patch management policy and procedures that ensure every update and patch is deployed according to criticality and Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). We have also created a CTI strategy that recommends CTI feeds that enable us to identify relevant security risks and threats immediately.

We believe in collaboration, and we work closely with your organization to review and improve our threat detection capabilities according to CTI and VAPT activities. This collaborative approach helps us stay ahead of potential threats and vulnerabilities, ensuring that our organization's data remains secure at all times.

In conclusion, your threat and vulnerability management program is an integral part of our overall cybersecurity strategy, and we are committed to continually improving it to meet the evolving threats and risks to your organization's data.

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